Gaston Sorgho
gsorgho@worldbank.org Public Health Specialist The World Bank B.P. 1850 Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire PHONE: 225 22 44 22 27 FAX: 225 22 44 16 87Gaston Sorgho is the Health Specialist at the World Bank Regional Office in Abidjan. He is Medical Doctor who holds a MCH gratuation from Paris Centre International de l'Enfance, and a MPH from The KIT-Amsterdam. Before joining the Bank in 1999, Gaston worked with the Dutch Embassy in Burkina Faso, with Plan International, and he occupied the position of Reproductive Health Director, as well as District Medical Officer at the MOH in his country (Burkina Faso). Gaston was a freelance consultant for many UN organizations and Development Agencies (WHO, UNICEF, GTZ, ...) for many years.