Arlette Campbell White
awhite1@worldbank.org Senior Population and Reproductive Health Specialist World Bank Institute Human Development Group 1818 H. St., N. W. Washington DC 20433 United States PHONE: (202) 473 3301Ms. Arlette Campbell White is the head of the Population and Reproductive Health Program at the World Bank Institute. She is a social scientist with over 20 years of experience in the reproductive health and development field. She holds a Ph. D. in Sociology/Psychology and M.Sc. in Medical Demography. She has worked for UN, governmental and non-governmental health/population and family planning organizations, including the World Bank, UNFPA and IPPF. Her expertise has been applied in various technical, managerial and training positions in both national and international
agencies. She has extensive experience in program management and the design and
delivery of cost efficient health services in reproductive health and HIV/AIDS,
and women/gender in development. Arlette's mother tongue is English and she speaks excellent Spanish, good French and a smattering of other languages. She has lived and worked in Eastern Europe, Latin America and East Africa. An articulate speaker and writer, she has published and edited books and articles relating to population issues.