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Following is an alphabetical listing of all publications available in the Adapting to Change Database.  Many of the files are presented in PDF only.  You must have a PDF viewer to download these documents, and you may obtain a free copy at the Adobe Acrobat website.

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Library contains 6 resources. Showing 15 at a time.

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W [all]

Economic Analysis of Population and Reproductive Health Policies    [46 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  James C. Knowles
Date of Publication: December 07, 1999
This paper uses the example of a safe motherhood program to present a standard simple economic framework for the evaluation of policies related to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH).

Economic Evaluation of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Policies    [49 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  James C. Knowles
Jere Behrman
Date of Publication: January 15, 2000
This paper uses the example of a safe motherhood program to present a standard simple economic framework for the evaluation of policies related to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH).

Educational Expansion and Demographic Change: Pathways and Influence   
Author(s):  Emily Hannum
Date of Publication: September 07, 1999
This paper presents the conditions known to stimulate favorable demographic changes, then outlines the role that education can play in creating those conditions.

Ending Violence Against Women   
Author(s):  Lori Heise
Date of Publication: December 01, 1999
Violence against women and girls includes physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse. It is often known as "gender-based" violence because it evolves in part from women's subordinate status in society. Many cultures have beliefs, norms and social institutions that legitimize and therefore perpetuate violence against women.

Ending Violence Against Women--from "Population Reports" at Johns Hopkins University    [1.1 mb (from Johns Hopkins University / PDF]
Author(s):  Lori Heise
Mary Ellsberg
Megan Gottemoeller
Date of Publication: December 23, 1999
Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime, according to a new report from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE). Based on the most comprehensive overview to date, the report calls on the world's health care community to respond to physical and sexual abuse as "a major public health concern and a violation of human rights."

Etat de la population mondiale 1999/State of the World's Population Report 1999   
Author(s):  United Nations Population Fund
Date of Publication: August 10, 1999
Most population growth is taking place in the world’s poorest and least-prepared countries. Whether population growth continues to slow and whether it is accompanied by increasing well-being or increasing hardship will depend on the decisions and action taken in the next decade—and in particular on action to increase education, promote gender equality and ensure the universal exercise of the right to health, including reproductive health.

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