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Following is an alphabetical listing of all publications available in the Adapting to Change Database.  Many of the files are presented in PDF only.  You must have a PDF viewer to download these documents, and you may obtain a free copy at the Adobe Acrobat website.

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Library contains 10 resources. Showing 15 at a time.

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W [all]

A 5-year Review of Progress Towards the Implementation of the Programme of Actions of ICPD (from the UNFPA web site)    [80 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: June 30, 1999
Document from the UNFPA web site at Twenty-first special session of the General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development: Report of the Secretary-General (5 October 1999)

A Quick History of Health Communication--Presentation    [328 kb / PDF]
Author(s):  Mary Paterson
Date of Publication: September 13, 1999
PowerPoint presentation

Adapting to Change Core Course 2000 Brochure   
Date of Publication: November 03, 2000
Brochure for the October 2000 Core Course on Population, Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform.

Adapting to Change Program Brochure   
Date of Publication: November 03, 2000
A brochure describing the World Bank Institute's Adapting to Change Program.

Analyse des systèmes de santé   
Author(s):  Gaston Sorgho
Date of Publication: June 01, 2000
This Powerpoint presentation accompanies the Francophone Africa Training of Trainers Workshop session entitled, "Analyse des systèmes de santé.

Analyse des systèmes de santé (Powerpoint)   
Author(s):  Gaston Sorgho
Date of Publication: May 26, 2000

Annotated Bibliography for HNP Costing Workshop   
Author(s):  A. Creese
D. Parker
Date of Publication: August 31, 1999
Annotated Bibliography for HNP Costing Workshop on Reproductive Health, June 1998

Annoted Bibliography of Selected Costing Manuals    [141 kb / PDF]
Date of Publication: January 01, 1998

Applied Political Analysis for Health Policy Reform--Link to Harvard University web site   
Author(s):  Michael Reich
Date of Publication: December 13, 1996
From Current Issues in Public Health 1996, Harvard University.

AVCI Powerpoint presentation   
Author(s):  Alexis N'Tabona
Date of Publication: May 26, 2000

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